Can you imagine trying to play a card game with God? Even if you do all the shuffling and dealing, He'll still know exactly where every card is. Being all-knowing and very clever, He can anticipate your every play, and play His own cards in a way that will make you play just the way He wants you to, even if you're entirely unaware of it. If you let Him take control of the pack from the start, no matter how the game goes, you'll be sure He stacked the deck...!
Today felt like being deep in a card game with God. I was gearing up to go on a course next week. God had (seemingly) cleared the way at the beginning of February for me to go to it, and I knew He could provide the funds required - what's three hundred dollars when you're expecting millions? Last week the course changed to a week earlier, which meant I brought my medical appointment forward and shuffled my Mum's visit. Cards dealt, shifted around, replayed... Then this morning while spending time with the Lord, I got the distinct impression that I wasn't to do the course. Not that it was bad or anything, but that it wasn't what the Lord wanted me to do.
My cards fall out of my hand and I spend a few hours picking them up and trying to figure out if I missed something in the game or whether the Lord has just done a neat job of stacking the deck. Thrown quite off balance, I thought I'd sleep on it. But the feeling that I was right and needed to do something right away had my stomach in knots. I considered emailing the lady running the course, but thought phoning was a much better option. Looking up the phone number on the latest email, I discovered she was already in the area. Maybe I could speak to her in person! I texted her, and behold! she would be heading through town within half an hour. She could drop in.
So she did.
I'm not doing the course.
Sorted beautifully. I've been rearranged very neatly, and the expectancy is pretty high that the Lord has something specific in mind for next week. The medical appointment has been rescheduled for next Tuesday.
The extraordinary thing is that when playing card games with God, somehow we both win.
I feel wonderful! :o)
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