03 April, 2010

Who Shows Up in Your Conversation?

It's quite easy to tell who or what occupies most of a person's time and thoughts.  Luke 6:45c, "out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks."
The sports enthusiast who can't have a conversation without mentioning rugby.
The car enthusiast who never misses an opportunity to argue about Holden and Ford.
The woman who just has to tell you about her latest shopping bargain.
The young fool who thinks he's a man when he talks about drinking, driving, and women.
The old fool who uses his eyes instead of his mouth to tell you what he's thinking about.
The girl who has just fallen in love and thinks her man is the be-all and end-all, and quotes his opinion at every opportunity.
The person who can't seem to avoid having a dig at their least favourite person, group, or country.
The man who shares a new piece of useless information with you every time you meet.
The aging woman who loves to show off the latest pictures and antics of her grandchildren.
The child who wants to show you her latest toy.
The person who has nothing good to say about life - and says it.
The person who quotes movies you don't remember.
The man who introduces the woman with him as, "This is my wife, ..." and you know the words thrill him.

It's natural to talk about whatever it is you think about, and to speak of the people with whom you spend the most time.  I know I do it a lot.  When I was living with my family, they figured highest in my conversation.  When I left home to go to my first farming job, whenever I went anywhere else I would talk about my job and my employers.  When I moved to the South Island, I couldn't open my mouth in company without mentioning my pastor's family, because that was who I hung out with most.  Now I never go into company without speaking of the people I live with, Shane and Belinda Osgood, at some point in conversation, probably within the first few sentences.  I expect they'll appear frequently in this blog.  The people I used to speak about the most still show up regularly in my conversation, but the ones I spend the most time with now are mentioned frequently.  It's not that some are more favoured than others (they're all my favourites! hehe), merely that they take up the biggest chunk of my life.
You do have to be careful, though.  When you talk about one person more than others, people can get the wrong idea.  (I'll have to be careful when I find the right man...LOL)  Or they can be just plain bored.  But as long as you stop short of boring people, it is a natural process.  So natural, in fact, that you can always tell where a person is at by what or whom they talk about.

I have the privilege of hanging out with people who love to spend time with God.  Frequently the conversation is turned or started with, "God told me..." or "The Holy Spirit showed me..." or "I asked Jesus this morning..."  or "I read in [a passage of Scripture]..."  They are happy to talk about what God is doing in their lives.  Because I want God to be absolute first in my life, these things are a huge encouragement to me.  My favourite ones are, "I had to repent this morning..." and, "What did God say to you?"  The former (and rare) statement assures me that someone I honour and whose example I follow is still very human, maintains humility before God, and is prepared to lead by example. The latter (and frequent) question has been highly effective in motivating me into a deeper relationship with God.  It can be a little disheartening to answer, "God didn't say anything to me today," but it's downright embarrassing to say, "Um, well, I haven't really been listening to Him."  Far better to be able to forestall the question completely by saying, "I had an amazing/interesting/wonderful time with God today...!"

I think I have good reason for talking about these people with others, because it usually goes with talking with others about what God is doing, and there really is no better conversation than a topic that glorifies God.  Further, through it I am learning to ask others, "What's God doing in your life?"  This really enhances Philippians 4:8 where it says, "Whatsoever things are true...honest...just...pure...lovely...of good report, if there be any virtue...praise, think on these things."

My favourite people show up in my conversation because I want other people to be blessed as I have been blessed.  For example, I love my family, and I always wish I could introduce them all to all the other people I meet along life's road.  Part of the reason is because they are a part of me, and have had an effect on who I am.  To know them, is to know me a little better.  Surely God should appear in our conversation for the same reasons!  If we know Jesus as we say we do, shouldn't we want other people to know Him too?  If you don't want others to know Him, perhaps you don't know Him either.  If your ultimate aim is to do and be what God wants you to do and be, then that should come out in your conversation.

I challenge you to take a look at what and who show up in your conversation.  Do your favourite topics motivate you and others into a deeper relationship with Jesus ... or with the world?

Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

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