28 April, 2010

"Last" Details

I'm sitting in bed watching a spectacular sunrise, two 'lasts' creating an extending list of things that won't happen again until I return in 8 months' time.  Last sunrise in NZ, last morning in this room and bed, last opportunity for my favourite cat to snuggle up with me, last proper sleep for 40+ hours... Soon we'll have our last morning prayer and praise together.  There is a touch of sadness, but also great excitement.

It has been quite wonderful to see the Lord's provision in these last few weeks, and no less in the last three days.  Unsolicited financial support has been offered, and right out of the blue, a back-country church with members who have known my family for years sent a donation through my parents.

Now I need to do the final packing, make my room look somewhat tidier, and move into my room all my stuff that still lives in the hall... hmm, that will probably cancel the 'tidy' bit... hehe.

Borneo, here I come!

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