It's 2005 and the year seems to be flying past already. Mid-December I received a third grant ($500) to aid with the Taratahi fees. I finished work as a rousie on the last day of last year. This evening I will pick up my last pay record and a reference. I doubt that it will be the last I shall see of the people, though. I shan't forget the interesting people that I've met, and I somehow doubt that they'll forget me!
Yesterday I had my first game of croquet in more than two months (I made three hoops). I shall be playing again on Saturday, plus some practice time, because next week I'm playing in our Junior Women's Tournament over Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I shall enjoy it, and will be very interested to see how well I do with the little practice I've had!
This morning I had an interview with a reporter from the Dannevirke News. Narelle very obligingly let them know about my upcoming year at Taratahi and the scholarships, so I shall be in the paper sometime over the next week.
Speaking of Taratahi, I am just a little nervous. It's making sure I've got everything packed that's occupying my thoughts at present. I leave here on the 16th, but I don't go to Taratahi until the 24th. The intervening week will be spent with Grandad while my aunt and uncle have a week's holiday. The idea is to have all my Taratahi baggage packed and left here at home, then Dad will bring it down when he picks me up and delivers me "to school", bringing home the things I'll have with me for Wellington, but won't need at Taratahi. It requires a little forethought. Aside from a trip to Palmerston North and a trip to Norsewood for a few items (three, I think), plus some minor shopping in Dannevirke, I have everything now, including two knives and their accessories, boots, overalls, raingear, etc., etc., etc. I'm even packing a motivational (that is, "Muttivational" - it has delightfully appropriate doggy pictures) calendar with such inspiring sayings as: "RELAX. If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live", and my favourite (from my birthday month): "ATTITUDE. A healthy attitude is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier." It was a well-selected Christmas present.
Slightly nervous I may be, but I'm also excited about the year ahead, one through which I would fear to tread without the Lord's gracious leading. I go with God.
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