06 October, 2004

Best news of the month

Early in September I received notification that I had been accepted for the one-year Sheep and Beef Agricultural Course at Taratahi Ag. Training Centre down near Masterton! But that's not all. I have been depending on God's leading all the way, and the only way for me to do this course is for God to supply the money. He has certainly been confirming the decisions I have made - and been giving me lessons in faith. There is no way I could raise the funds in four months. God knows I do not want to go into the year of study without knowing that all the fees are taken care of, as well as my personal needs. After receiving the notification of acceptance (which I fully expected unless my Lord really didn't want me going there), I applied to a local Trust for a grant. I am also expecting forms to come from Taratahi this month so that I can apply for two others. Well, on Sunday evening when I arrived home from Wellington, I had a small pile of mail on my desk. One was from the lawyers who run the trust. I tore it open and opened the letter with bated breath. Then let loose a yell of amazement and joy. The trust would pay the tuition fee! That's nearly $3,000 accounted for!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!! I was mostly confident all along, but now I know without a shadow of a doubt that He will also provide the rest, whether through my work efforts or through other means is His problem. Praise the Lord!! (It took me nearly an hour to settle down again after that letter, I was so excited!)


veggiedude said...

Will you personally kill those sheep or the slaughtering is done elsewhere?

Sarah said...

Elsewhere. When they are big enough, the farmer sells them to the meatworks.