17 January, 2011

Rooted, Grounded, Surrounded

The fourth chapter of the gospel of Mark talks about growing seed.  The seed needs to become a strong root to grow a strong plant and produce good fruit, and to withstand persecution.  To grow a strong, deep root, the soil must be softened and cleared of rocks.
The seed is the Word of God.  According to John's gospel, Jesus is the Word.  He is the Root.  Ephesians 3:17 speaks of being rooted and grounded in love.  God is Love.  The same passage speaks of the breadth, length, depth, and height of that love.  It speaks of having Christ dwelling in your heart by faith, strengthening the inner man by His Spirit.  It speaks of the love of Christ, which is beyond knowledge, filling you with the fullness of God.
The Lord removes the rocks.  With the rocks removed, the root may go deep.  When the sun beats hard and wild winds blow, the root not only holds the plant secure, but becomes a tap-root, providing water, providing life, from depths unseen.
I am rooted and grounded and surrounded by His love.

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