07 March, 2006

Graduation Bonus

A trophy, a fuel/oil can, a kitchen clock, and a rain vest - all for getting the top prize in Sheep Theory! Of all the prizes, this was the one I had hopes of achieving. Hurrah!
My final exam score was the top mark (out of both sheep and dairy): 91%. My fieldtrip assignments were mostly in the high 80’s, with the exception of the last one, which was 92. My first farm discussion report received 76, but the other three were 91, 91, & 92. The assignments from my two weeks of work experience scored 93 and 97. My Weeds & Grasses Collection gained 80, and my Project Book (Glenburn Farm Report) earned 86.75. I really earned that prize. I thank the Lord for giving me understanding and something of a way with written words.

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