08 October, 2005

Skills Test results

My results for Term 3 Skills Test were mostly a big improvement. My low scores in Tech 3 and Tech 1 were mostly a matter of speed - or a lack of it - and I'd never nailed together a mitre joint before (Tech 3), let alone four of them to make a box/frame; most of my marks were for measuring and sawing the pieces.

T3 = 34 (Rather a come-down from the previous term's 75.)
T2 = 79 (That's the first time I've completed the wirework, but my Tex Brown knot wasn't actually a Tex Brown, so the tutor couldn't mark it.)
T1 = 64 (First time I've put a line post in completely by myself, but I didn't finish nailing all three battens.)
Sheep = 89 !!! (Top girl in this, and only three boys were higher: 94, 91, & 91!!!)
Lectures = 84
Ag. = 75 (Second equal in this with two others; top was 94)

Total: 425/600

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