28 February, 2014

Developing a gift.

I have recently discovered that painting is something that I really like to do.  The Lord has been strongly encouraging me to pursue it, and now that I am in full agreement with Him, I am seeking how best to do that.  I am currently spending quite a few hours each week painting, have nearly finished my first 'real' painting (it's on a 15"x30" canvas and has taken over 30 hours so far), have subscribed to a couple of NZ artists' sites to get free online lessons and newsletters, and joined an artists' forum...!  Now considering whether I should pursue a highly-recommended online art course - either a Beginners' 1-year course or the Full Course of 4 years (approx. NZ$2300 in fees for the 4 years).  Hmmm, yes, I can see myself doing that, even through possible and probable life changes.  But is that way what the Lord intends, and when, how, etc?