22 July, 2009

I went for a walk to the beach and back this morning (an hour each way, plus dawdling).  While there I saw this little cutie having a good scratch.  I was wishing for my camera, then remembered my phone takes reasonably good pictures.
Where's your family, little one?

My place in Amberley

It's been over a year since I last posted, and lots of things have changed.  The major one is that I'm no longer farming.  I now live in town (Amberley).  Next June I am going to Kalamantan (Indonesian Borneo) for a year.  Before then, I am doing all sorts of bits and pieces.  I've just spent an awesome week as a leader at a CEF (Children's Evangelism Fellowship) camp, and am looking forward to the next one in October.  Roll on, life!